Saturday, August 11, 2012


My daughter called the police to report that I had taken her children and that she wants them back or she is pressing charges.  The police officer called to talk to me.  He was the same one that did the welfare checks on her and that I had talked to about this situation twice.  I updated him on the situation and my son talked to him and gave him information on what Child Protective Services was doing with the case and where things stood right now.  I wrote a detailed letter and sent it to the officer to include in his report.  Later that afternoon, two days ago now, we got the call we had been dreading.  California CPS was taking the girls back to California and putting them into foster care until they could transfer jurisdiction to West Virginia.  My daughter told CPS she would rather have the girls in foster care than here in West Virginia.  She is angry.  She is cruel and manipulative and selfish.  She is still seriously mentally ill but she is also these other things.  My granddaughters are being hurt over and over again by the actions of their mother.  My son and my other daughters and I will continue to do what we can to gain guardianship of the girls.  Pray for us, pray for them.

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